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looks like paris.


 Finally, an outfit post! Or, at least, a post that included official outfit photos.

So the title of the post has nothing to do with Paris, technically. While I was at work, this adorable French lady commented on the tanktop and said that the drawings "looked like Paris", where she was from. And then she bought it. I'd like to think it was because of my powers of persuasion -- not the fact that she had sentimental feelings towards a drawing on the tanktop that reminded her of home.

Did I ever mention how much I like high waisted stuff? Especially shorts when they fit perfectly (which means, fitted at the waist and the butt and then loose in the thigh area without making me look like a frumpy old mawmaw). Surprise, surprise, I got it from work. Of course, that's all I can afford to shop at since I'm there 85% of my time.

 So after a friend's birthday barbecue, we all decided to head to Coney Island just to participate in some awesome drunken revelry on the beach. We rode the Cyclone at "Luna Park" (which is technically the new official name for the amusement park but we just call it Coney Island because we're too lazy to memorize things) and just ended up taking photos and running around on the beach. And please ignore the fact that my tatas are out and about in that picture. Not that I have much of them anyways. And when we were on the beach, I was pretty paranoid. It was dark and I was scared we were going to step on jellyfish and then we'd have to urinate on ourselves/each other or something.

Outfit posts makes me want to go shopping more. This is an addiction that cannot be stopped. This is only enabling me. OH NOOOOOOO.


 Outfit Details:
Printed Chiffon Camisole in steeple - American Apparel
Light Wash High-Waist Jean Cuff Short - American Apparel
lavender cardigan - American Apparel
lace slingback flats - Topshop
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memorial day weekend recap.

I. Cinnabon at a New Jersey rest stop.
who can resist the hot melty sweet icing-y goodness of a CINNABON?! NO ONE. that's who.
which is why i ate it in about....two minutes. i scalded my tongue. it was worth it.

II. group photo #1 out of #203924.
just kidding. we didn't take that many. okay. we did. sort of. don't judge.
i had to set the self timer and put my camera on top of a television.
improvising. i'm good at that.

outfit details (on me): aztec print dress - forever 21 // flipflops - old navy

III. had awesome seafood.
1. awesome sign.
2. crab & shrimp cake sandwich. SO DELICIOUS.
3. blue potato chip.
4. happy because i'm about to have some lunch.
or maybe because i had some alcohol.
IV. went on a ferris wheel.
saw the beach from the ferris wheel.
felt safer because if the ferris wheel broke down, we would fall onto sand.
less impact = less splatter = less dead.

V. got sundaes.
funnel fries (like funnel cake but fry form), chocolate icecream, butter
pecan icecream, vanilla icecream, whipped cream, fudge, caramel,
banana, cherry, a billion calories but who cares.

oh and a funny sign warning you about seagull attacks.
funny story: we walked out of the store with our sundaes to go back to our hotel
and when my friend walks a little away from us, seagulls start to circle around
her, trying to divebomb for her food. note to everyone: don't mess with seagulls.

VI. saw my worst fear by the pool
fun fact about julia: i have a fear of birds.
i hate birds. so much. especially pigeons. they're the devil.

i asked for extra sugar.

VIII. amusement park at night.

IX. brunch omg brunch!!
my favorite meal of the day.
bacon, feta & spinach omelet, homefries, rye bread, white bread.

X. went to the beach
thought an octopus tried to kill me...it was just my friend's arm. 
we got assaulted by the waves. no, more like domestically abused.
seriously. it was fun, though. also, sand gets everywhere. EVERYWHERE.

on me: bathing suit from Polo Ralph Lauren

XI. saw interesting things at a candy store.

 So over Memorial Day weekend, I got to spend a weekend away with my friends in Wildwood, NJ! It's sort of Jersey's version of Coney Island, except with better rides and a nicer beach. Seriously. My friend almost stepped into a used needle at Coney Island. Not to say that it's really that bad, but it's still sketchy. Really sketchy. But it was just a great start to the summer. It was definitely some much needed R&R after studying (just kidding) all year long. I hope everyone's having a great start to their summer (or almost summer, if you're in school, or end of summer if you're on the other side of the world -- like Australia)!

Hopefully I'll have an actual outfit post soon. Or something. It's way too hot lately. I might just go nude...just kidding.

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night of mcqueen!

HELLO READERS. I am obviously back from the dead. So I had the chance to go to the Metropolitan Museum where there was a special Mcqueen For A Night event! It was amazing. There was a fashion contest by students recreating McQueen's masterpieces and an exhibit of his stuff as well. I had so much fun eating cheese and these bread stick things and making a tote bag and looking at EVERYTHING.

I wanted to make a hat but there were so many people and I was tired and hungry from work. Which reminds me: I got a job. YAY A JOB. And if you'll bother scrolling down and looking at my little outfit details thing, you can probably figure out where I work.

It's FINALLY SUMMER. I have been waiting for this day for months and months and months. So, please, expect regular updates along with picture spams of things that I haven't posted in the last few months. I really really really missed blogging and taking photos and since I have a job now, I'll probably go shopping more/save up for trips/save up for a new camera/EAT MORE. I missed eating so much. As a broke college student, I lived off of PB&J, hot pockets, and home cooking. I missed eating out at a nice restaurant and being able to pay for myself instead of begging my parents to treat me to dinner and everything.

So, I have a little favor to ask all of you!
Is it more fashion blogging? Daily blogs of my adventures? Photography? FOOD?!?!
What sort of changes would you like to see? A "READ MORE" option, so you can click
through to see the rest of the post? Change of layout? ET CETERA? 

Until next time....

 Outfit Details:
Jacquard Lace Tee in creme - American Apparel
Mid-Length Accordion-Pleat Skirt in Cobalt - American Apparel
black wedge platforms - Jeffrey Campbell
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obi sash + i'm alive, promise!

 I'm alive. I promise.
May, to a college student, means homework.
And finals.
(And procrastination)

So my mom was really nice and bought me a new swimsuit! I lovelovelove one pieces and I've been on the look for a good one for a while now. I stumbled upon this little number and I had to have it. Of course, it came with an obi sash and "instructions" but, obviously, I am terrible at following them so I have no idea if I tied it right or something. I promise I'll have another update...soonish! This time, documenting my adventures in Florida!


Outfit Details:
one piece swimsuit - Marc by Marc Jacobs
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written in the stars

since my last update...
I. i got new boots.
(they're Tommy Hilfigier. and awesome.)

II. i saw a cat.
(in a store window that wasn't a pet shop).

III.  i had indian food.
(vegetable samosas, naan, spinach, chicken curry, rice, onions)

IV.  and then sushi for dinner.

VI.  Strand bookstore.

VII.  Max Brenner's for chocolate fondue.
(for lunch....)

drank a banana split latte. 

VIII.  visited a marketplace.

 saw real scorpions. but they were dead. i think.

IX.  made friends with a bouncer.
(from the STRFKR concert.)

X.  went to a cemetary.

XI.  Chinatown for comfort food..

XII.  STRFKR teasers.
(look out for their feature in Fluorescent Adolescent Magazine's debut issue, out in late May/early June!) 

ETC.  and some other things...
(that happened without photographic evidence)

• i had to bring my camera in to be fixed. it set me back $200. (BROKE COLLEGE STUDENT)
• i'm going to FLORIDA/DISNEY WORLD/HARRY POTTER WORLD for my Spring Break!
• i went to the dentist. that lady has a vendetta against me. she clipped my lip.
• i ate more food.
• okay that's about it.

 Wow. That was the longest week I've ever had. And it's been especially long since I've updated which is SUPER TERRIBLE of me. I know. I know. And, if you've read the bullet points above, this silence is going to be prolonged for a little while because I get to go to Florida from the 15th to 25th of this month! Which is a yay for me, and a nay for all you curious readers. Sorry! SO SORRY. I feel really bad because I've been keeping a journal (like a real one. It's Hello Kitty and has stickers, so it's pretty legit), but I haven't had the time to actually blog about it. I like blogging better because it has pictures and I'm more of a visual person than a verbal person (as you can probably tell). I hope everyone's lives are much more simple and less hectic than mine. I am such a homebody. I wish I could just sit at home on my butt and do nothing all day.

I need to go shopping for Florida! Which means I want to buy a pair of TOMS! You guys should help me narrow down my choices.