BOSTON: DAY 1 • day 15 | 365

The journey to Boston was incredibly fun. I hadn't slept at all because I went to the Skins party. When I got home, I immediately rushed to finish packing for Boston. By the time I was done packing and making myself breakfast, my friend was coming to pick me up from my house to go to the subway so we could head over to Port Authority where we'd take the Peter Pan Bus Lines (You can head over here on Yelp to read my review on my experience on the bus line? And if you have a Yelp account, you guys should totally add me as friends! And if you don't, you should make an account, write some reviews, and still add me as a friend!). After a rather sketchy comment from the employee who helped loaded our luggage onto the bus, we were on the bus and rather excited!

My dad managed to pack me my favorite snack in the world - hummus and pita bread. Of course, he had forgotten some extra virgin olive oil, but I dealt with it. We dozed on and off during the ride, and took use of the free WiFi that was on the bus. However, there were no outlets in our side of the seats, so we only went online for an hour. I was playing Sims 3, instead! I love that game. It's really addicting. I like to make all sorts of weird characters and sometimes I like to make my enemies and trap them in a burning house...not like that's mean...or anything, haha. But, seriously! The game has a kleptomaniac personality option! Who wouldn't want to see a Sim run around and steal things from their neighbor?

In Boston, we stayed with my friend's aunt, Sheila! She's the most amazingly hospitable person ever. She made sure we were housed, fed, and enjoying our time in Boston. She even gave us little gifts! Honestly, I was really appreciative of her. Her cooking's amazing, by the way. I mean, I know you guys can't go over to her house and eat her food, but she made chicken tandoori and I almost died from happiness. I gained so much weight.

But in this picture, my friend Elise is wearing a tissue paper crown that came from this Christmas cracker package that Sheila had leftover from Christmas, since my friend was supposed to visit her during that time, but couldn't make it. Okay, if you read that before you clicked the link and thought that Christmas cracker referred to crackers as in the food, you should let me know so I don't feel too bad. This is the conversation that took place that led to our first inside joke of the Boston trip:

Sheila: Oh, we should open the Christmas crackers after you eat!
Me: Yay! What flavor are they?
Everyone: laughter ensues.

Hey! I didn't know things such as Christmas crackers existed. I was confused! Please don't laugh at me! Just kidding. You can laugh if you want. I won't be offended. It was pretty funny, in hindsight. But I think that these Christmas crackers were racist. The one I opened gave me a package of origami! Just because I'm Asian....

We decided to go to my friend's dorm that night to visit her since she was feeling a little homesick. We went to eat at BHOP (Boston House of Pizza, and you can read my review about it here) before heading back to her dorm to meet her friends and have a little get together. There were just slight flurries that night, so it wasn't too bad!

After her friends left, we ended up sitting in the dark and enjoying the spectacular view outside her window. You could see the tops of the buildings, the traffic down below, and the walkway around the campus of her college. It was so beautiful and such a nice way to end the night.

To be honest, the last picture is one of my favorites from Day 1 in Boston. To the naked eye, it's a lousy photo - the composition is adequate, if not subpar, and it's nothing special. But for me, it's a favorite because every time I look at this picture, I feel the heaviness of being happy and content and homesick and excited all at one moment in my heart - the feelings that I felt at that exact moment, captured in a single photograph.

Outfit Details:
olive varsity jacket - Urban Oufitters
grey dolman cardigan - Urban Outfitters
blue tank top - Old Navy
red and blue striped skirt - Forever 21
black tights - Hue
black scarf - Club Monaco
black peacoat - Kristen Blake
oversized bag - Urban Outfitters


Amrita | January 28, 2011 at 11:00 PM

After France, this has been my favorite trip yet. And that's saying a lot. <3

Elizabeth of PrettyNiftyThriftyFashion | January 30, 2011 at 6:29 PM

oh my goodness it sounds like such a amazing trip!!! i loved reading about the last picture, that is so wonderful to have those feelings and memories captured in a photo :)

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