I'm a Belieber!

One of my guilty pleasures in music has to be Justin Bieber. The sugary pop reminds me of the old days when I used to fangirl over Nsync, BBMak, The Backstreet Boys, Dream Street, and Aaron Carter. My younger cousin didn't want to go to the concert with her father, so I accompanied her to the show at Madison Square Garden. Luckily, I got off school in time to take the subway to pick her up and head over to the arena. By the end of the night, I felt deaf due to the high decibels of, no, not the music, but the shrill screams of his adoring, prepubescent female fans.

It was a great night, though. He sure does know how to put on a show! Miley Cyrus, Jaden Smith, Iyaz, Sean Kingston, Ludacris, and Usher were there too.

Outfit Details:
floral dress - Necessary Objects
thong sandals - Bongo
white bag - Mondani


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